Přírodní dům a retreat joga centrum v duchu velryby
Hello travellers! I am Jiří and I live with my small son at a farm with permacultur garden where we grow organic vegetables. Furthermore, we have sheeps, goats, chickens and as me and my son maintain, build and develop everything on our own. I used to be a traveller as you are and I still travel and sleep in a van quite often. I love music and prefer to listen to it live. I love the sea, I love the mountains, the whole nature which is sometimes wild and volcanic, anothertime calm and restful. I like observing animals in the wild nature, especially whales and dolphins. I am a fan of snowboarding, practice yoga, acroyoga and meditation, I like to be creative and sometimes I just like to be. Recently I became a father and it has changed my life, I enjoy every second of it. I care for my son in alternate days with his mother. He goes to kindergarten now and starts going to school, soon. I got inspired by selfsufficient projects and non-violent philosophy ahimsa. I am interested into vegetarianism and raw food, I prepare all kinds of teas. I try to safe water and energy and am interested into cheap possibilities to gain energy. Apart of this little farm, i have a moving company. That is rather hard. I am renting the rooms in the house to guests which is our little income apart of my job. This year, we plan to build a greenhouse, an irrigation, some children's buildings on the garden for my son, a chill out area, I would like to build a small pond for swimming, a shower in the garden, repair a wooden gateway and I would manage to find other smaller things to do. I make raw icecreams, fruity cookies and pancakes during summer and my wish is to start a flower shop and grow flowers on my own.